T. Rowe Price has been helping everyday folks invest in their retirement for over 80 years. From Individual Investors to Advisors and Financial Intermediaries, the firm’s reputation is founded on the overperformance of its funds and delivering more value to clients. But, as the investing space became more crowded, disruptive brands came on the scene focusing on digital experiences and enthusiastic client segments. This pressure elevated existing underfunded design system work into a full-fledged effort, with representatives from every business unit in the firm.
Assemble a team of senior UX content, design, and developers from every area of the business to create a single but dynamic design system, down to the component-level, that best expresses, unifies and elevates the T. Rowe Price experience. Work in an agile fashion with other business units to provide real functional solutions down to the token level.
Tasked as one of two Sr. Content Strategists within the firm to be on the Core Team, I worked to help guide the design forward with content-minded feedback, but also to inform a side avenue of work creating a unified Enterprise UX Writing System.
The result has been a huge leap forward for the TRP Design team. The Beacon Design System is centered on equity, flexibility, and creating a seamless experience for all clients. Having a firm-endorsed design system means quicker times to market, less confusion when bringing designs to life, and the Beacon Guidelines were put to the test (successfully) on the RISE Project (featured case study).
Below: Beacon Table of Contents to show the breadth of guidelines, as well as design principles and summary for the Navigation section.