


Your product, and how customers feel while using it, constitutes the center of your customer experience.
As a content strategist, I work hand-in-hand with the UX team to illuminate the path forward, and even add moments of delight.


AddThis Tool Configurator

After registering, the tool configurator is the first tool-related experience for a new publisher. Blending a mix of legacy and new features, the challenge for the design team was to straighten out the inconsistent naming structure, create consistency between customizations, and update the interface to be mobile-first. 

In addition to functional elements, the experience needed to encourage usage and additional code installs.  Helpful tool tips and strong integrated support content lent a crucial educational component. 

Content Insights Dashboard

The AddThis tool dashboard shows website owners how their users interact with their content, but what about what they do on other sites? Leveraging data from AddThis' network of nearly 16 million domains, Content Insights paints the full picture of what interests your audience.  The dashboard is the main hub for publishers, blending visitor demographics, SEO keyword research, and tailored tips on how to improve visitor engagement. 

Content Insights Push Program

Serving up a ton of data to a user can be overwhelming, even for the most seasoned users. To orient and onboard new users, I worked with our UX team to put in place two alternating weekly digests. The first, the "know" email dives deeper into who makes up a site's audience. The "inspire" email details what content an audience is consuming across the web, with specific recommendations and calls to action.