Allo Allo

Podcasts of the Moment


St. Mary's College of Maryland

Picture it. 1,600 kids at a rural, waterfront (pictured above), liberal arts college.  St. Mary's is where I learned how to think, how to question, and how to communicate with people from all walks of life. The college strengthened my relationship with the environment, and returning to the riverfront is an annual tradition.  I've been fortunate to have continuing relationships with many amazing professors, and to have worked with dedicated Residence Life staff.  Go Seahawks!

Global Ecology Studies Program

Hosted at Poolesville High School, "The Global Ecology Studies Program provides students with the knowledge and understanding of the scientific, cultural, social, political, economic, and technological conditions that affect the quality of life on our planet."  This means I know the proper way to hug a tree, get way too excited talking about bay grass, and feel weirdly nostalgic towards waders. 

Books on Deck

Values for Life


When you're happy on the inside, it shows in your craft. To me, happiness means being able to see positive change come from my work (even in the smallest ways).  That underlying drive helps pull me through the tough projects or long days.


As I've gotten older, I realize how important it is to put an emphasis on physical and mental health, and that extends into my environment as well.  I work everyday to surround myself with positivity, embrace quality over quantity, and invest in green technology.


Constantly reminded of my privileged position in society, I'm continually working to better understand how I can further the causes I believe in, and help others do the same. 

TV on Loop

6 Handy Icebreakers

  1. I grew up keeping live aquatic fishtanks. In college I had a setup with fancy goldfish named after Mesoamerican kings. Pour one out for Siyaj Chan K'awiil II, Uaxaclajuun Ub'aah K'awiil, K'inich Yax K'uk' Mo', and Montezuma II. 

  2. If you see me drinking hot beverages, this is a sign of the apocalypse. You have been warned. Take cover. 

  3. K-Pop is my vice of choice.  My habit started as an attempt to save coworkers from me singing along to Spotify. It failed, for I am now quasi-fluent.  안녕, 친구. 

  4. Seeing Lucky Charms commercials as a child made me think that people could fly. I also broke my arm on 7 different occasions jumping off of slides and retaining walls. Unrelated.

  5. I am the 8th left-handed son of a left-handed son.  

  6. Most of my friends are teachers, social workers, and priests. Yes, I am worried for humanity, and no I do not know how this happened. 

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